8 Spiritual Milestones
The North experience centers around 8 major milestones and transitional seasons in the life of a child—from birth to high school graduation.
Family / Baby Dedication (Newborn)
Each quarter we dedicate babies in a special family dedication service held during our morning worship gatherings.
In the weeks preceding the service, parents attend a workshop designed to equip you in becoming the primary faith trainers of your children. Included in the workshop is a tour of the nursery.
Starting School (~5 Years)

Preschool Graduation
A transformational time in the life of a child is when they can pick up God’s Word and begin to read for themselves how God longs to be in relationship with them.
At the beginning of the school year, we host a family luncheon at which the five year olds are presented with a NIrV Bible.
First Commitment (Any Age)
The most important milestone in the life of every person is receiving the gift of salvation. For the child growing up in a Christian home and in the context of a local church, a decision point is often reached between the ages of 7 and 11.
We have provided simple online resources for leading your child into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Parents, you are encouraged to review the Parent Cue to know what your child is learning at church to use while you are leading family devotions in your home.
→ How to lead your child to Christ (PDF)
Baptism (After 6 Years)
Family Ministries offers water baptism classes and discussions tailored to the development needs of their age.
→ Learn About Baptism at North
Preparing for Adolescence (~10 Years)
It is important to intentionally help children prepare spiritually, emotionally, and physically for adolescence.
Parents of pre-teens are encouraged to attend the seminar Teaching your Children Healthy Sexuality. Here you’ll come understand how to help your kids develop a healthy theology of sexuality in the midst of today’s cultural influences.
Rite of Passage (~13 Years)
North offers a weekend retreat in August designed to help transition 13 year olds from children to teens.
The weekend involves one parent or mentor taking the student on a one-night getaway (Friday-Saturday). Here we offer exciting bonding activities as well as biblical lessons on purity, giftedness, and godly manhood/womanhood.
On that Sunday, the student will attend a Rite of Passage lunch. Also invited are the student’s immediate family, as well as two mentors that would speak or simply write words of advice and encouragement to the student.
Preparing for Adulthood (~16 Years)
Students are encouraged to attend a week-long overseas mission trip during winter break designed to widen their viewpoint. Here they learn the blessing of directly serving others from different cultures. Students can begin to glimpse how big and diverse the world is and how God equips and provides.
Students attend preparation meetings where we will teach about cultural differences, money management, and sharing/defending your faith in love. The mission trip allows the students to exercise these vital lessons as they serve with the team, manage the money they’ve raised, and tell others about their faith.
→ Download Missions Application (PDF)
Launch (Graduation)
High School Graduation is a tremendous accomplishment. We would like to celebrate with you in three different ways: with family, with church community, and with friends.
Each spring we offer a special evening event in which the graduate’s immediate family is invited to celebrate all he/she has achieved. You’ll enjoy a satisfying meal and hear an inspirational guest speaker. We will also equip parents with resources for the next phase of life.
During the event, we’ll shoot a video so that we can capture the graduates’ achievements and future plans as well as recognize them in the sanctuary with the church community.
Finally, all graduates are invited to go on an unforgettable senior beach trip over the summer. Here we’ll spiritually prepare these young adults for the next phase of life, as well as have a ton of fun with friends!
→ Parent Resource Page (For parents and students during the years after high school)
Ministry Team
“Train a child in the way he should go. When he is old, he will not turn away from it.”
— Proverbs 22:6[/column]