Missionaries Bruce and Claudia

After ministering in South Asia for many years, Bruce and Claudia with their son Daniel moved to Thailand in 2018. They have a vision to bring Thais to Christ and equip and empower them to be witnesses who will expand the Kingdom of God. One of the ways this vision is realized is through facilitating and growing leaders of influence in unreached areas for evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.

While they minister weekly at a church in Chiang Mai, Bruce and Claudia also have inroads to share and proclaim the Gospel in tribal areas. In partnership with an experienced pastor, who is passionate to see the Gospel go forth, they have regular outreaches to tribal villages.

Claudia, as a nurse, brings primary health care training to community health workers in a mega refugee camp in Bangladesh. 

More about Bruce and Claudia

Feeling called by God to make a difference in the world, Bruce left architecture in 1992 to enter full-time missions. He served four years with Discipleship Training Schools [DTS] in Scotland before transitioning to Asia. Claudia, with a lifelong desire to help the poor and needy, went to South Asia in 1991 for her DTS. Several years later she and Bruce met and were married there in 2002; their son Daniel was born in 2004.

About Thailand

Thailand is a constitutional monarchy located on the Indochinese Peninsula in Southeast Asia. The population is over 68,000,000, of which 94.6% are Buddhist, 4.3% Muslim, and 1% Christian, with 99% of the nation unreached for the Gospel. Bruce and Claudia live in the city of Chiang Mai in the northwest, and from there travel to minister to the hill tribes.

Spiritual Strongholds

  • Idol worship
  • Fear and superstition
  • Spiritual blindness towards the Gospel

Please Pray For

  • Open hearts to receive the Good News
  • Anointing to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit
  • God’s favor and protection