Missionaries Marin & Atena Bloj

Marin began New Generation Church in 2001 with the vision of Winning this generation for Christ and transforming it into a Holy Spirit filled New Generation that will take the message of the gospel into their communities and the world. Since that time, they have been in a continual state of growth and expansion, moving into their own sanctuary in October 2011, in time to celebrate 10 years of ministry.

They strategically disciple new believers and Marin and Atena pour their lives into training leaders who, in turn, raise up other leaders.

New Generation Church reaches out to the lost through evangelistic festivals, social and mission events, summer camps, Alpha courses, and expansion through church planting.

In 2021 they successfully launched two new campuses in the neighboring towns of Reghin and Toplita and have begun church plant outreaches in Saulia and Tarnaveni. Over the years their ministry focus has shifted from a generation to the generations.

The Bloj Family

More about Marin and Atena

In 1997, with his heart set on ministering in Bosnia, Marin heard God’s call to stay in Tirgu Mures and begin the strategy he had developed for Bosnia. In 2003, he married Atena who had become a Christian in 1999. She was working with East Europe Foundation in Evangelistic Ministries when they met and is now an integral part of New Generation Church and their ministries.

About Tirgu Mures, Romania

Tirgu Mures is a city of 165,000 located in the center of the Transylvania region of Romania and dates back to the sixth century. Industries include sugar, lumber, shoes, wine, and the refining of petroleum. There are three universities, including an outstanding medical school with 8000 students.

Spiritual Strongholds

  • Division and depression
  • Poverty, corruption and prostitution
  • Spirit of religion and witchcraft

Prayer Needs

  • Wisdom in leadership
  • Unity among religious leaders
  • Power of the Holy Spirit to be at work in Christians
  • For signs and wonders to follow the preaching of the Gospel.
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